5 Powerful Quotes About Wisdom

That Will Change Your Way of Thinking

Jesús Salazar
5 min readOct 15, 2020
Image by Dirk Vetter from Pixabay

It is said that we are living in the “Information Age”, which can initially be interpreted as good, due to the fact that more people can have access to it and benefit. (The current means of communication, “Internet”)

But it all depends on what type of information it is since there is good information and bad information. Serious bad information, one that does not contribute anything positive to the world or to society.

A society with access to information is called:

The information society, which only creates and disseminates raw data.

But we have another society called:

The knowledge society is the one that transforms information into resources that allow society to solve the problems and needs of the world.

But we have to aspire to be a higher society.

A society with more valuable and beneficial thoughts for humanity.

The society to be called:

The Wise society

Here I share 5 powerful quotes about the wisdom that can change the way you think.

I. You need to acquire knowledge

Our first need as thinking beings, to recognize our need to acquire knowledge.

Socrates well said it once that:

“The only true wisdom is knowing that you know nothing.”


Recognizing this leads us to act wisely in a constant search for knowledge. Knowledge gives us the necessary tools to understand how things work.

The person who is in a constant search for knowledge has a great advantage over the person who does not.

II. How to use knowledge

The correct use of that knowledge is what really makes us wise people.

The one is known as the “Prince of Preachers” once said that:

“Wisdom is the correct use of knowledge. Knowing is not being wise. Many men know a lot and are dumber for it. There is no fool as the knowing fool. But knowing how to use knowledge is having wisdom.”

Charles Spurgeon

Knowing how to use knowledge is what can really make you wise. It is not only knowing, but it is also what to do with that knowledge. You can know a lot about a topic, but if you don’t take it into action and apply that knowledge it is useless.

An example:

You may know what a violin is for, but you will not be better known for knowing what it is for.

You will be better known for having learned to play it, for knowing how to play it, and for producing a beautiful piece with it.

III. Wise questions bring wise answers

We can answer or pretend to answer a question correctly to solve a problem.

But many times asking a good question about that problem will bring you a better answer than what you initially had.

The French anthropologist, philosopher, ethnologist, and founder of structural anthropology was very correct in mentioning that:

“The wise man does not give the correct answers, he asks the correct questions.”

Claude Levi-Strauss

We see this more clearly when we define it as practicing the act of deeply analyzing something. To analyze and solve a problem you should always ask well thought out questions.

An example:

We need a material that floats in water, and they ask you:

Is there such a material?

Simply answering “Yes” is not wise.

But you wonder:

What materials have been discovered to float in water?

That is the correct question, and your answer solved the problem.

IV. The best way to acquire wisdom is through your own experience

When we know about a subject we acquire what takes us to the highest level in human wisdom, is having experienced in it. Action accompanied by knowledge is commonly known as experience.

A renowned Chinese teacher and thinker said that:

“We can learn wisdom by three methods: first, through reflection, which is the noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easier; and third by experience, which is the most bitter.”


Not until we work on a matter that we have knowledge that we reach the highest level of wisdom.

The experience in it brings us answers and those answers support the previously acquired knowledge.

An example:

  • You can reflect on how fire burns. (through reflection)
  • You can imitate how fire burns. (by Imitation)
  • But sacrificing a material like paper, to see how it burns, results in an experience of which you can abound in more knowledge. (by experience)

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V. Share your wisdom

If we were to define wisdom in steps we could consider the thought of the well-known philosopher and poet when he said that:

“The first step in acquiring wisdom is silence, the second to listen, the third to remember, the fourth to practice, the fifth to teach others.”

Solomon Ibn Gabirol

Silence is turning off the senses to just listen, that is, it is time to use only your ears.

Remembering what we learned becomes knowledge.

Knowledge put into practice becomes an experience.

And a taught experience will be of benefit to others.

Takeaway insight

I. You need to acquire knowledge
II. How are you going to use the knowledge
III. Your wise questions bring wise answers
IV. The best way to gain wisdom is through your own experience.
V. Share your wisdom

You eventually become wise by sharing your knowledge with others.

“There is no use hiding the light under a table, it is of more value on the table.

So that the room is illuminated with it.”

“There are two ways to diffuse light: be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.”

Edith Wharton

You can be light or reflect the light of wisdom.

I wish you today, that you can change the way you think about wisdom.

And I hope these lessons serve as an inspiration for your life.

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Jesús Salazar

Late night writer🌙 Internet enthusiast 💻 Active reader 📖 Researcher 🔎 Bibliophile 📚 “Creativity Is Intelligence Having Fun” —Albert Einstein 💡